

industry leaders such as Brian Buffini, Tom Hopkins, Floyd Wickman, Bill Barrett, Mike Ferry, and Howard Brinton; and even business visionaries such as Robert Kiyosaki, Michael Gerber, and Mark Victor Hansen. Every one of these people helped shape our successes and the message of The Millionaire Real Estate Agent. Through our shadowing, consulting, masterminding, and mega agent programs, we’ve had the opportunity to work one-on-one with hundreds and hundreds of top agents. Their contribution to this book and our overall success cannot be overstated.

However, we knew that for the purposes of The Millionaire Real Estate Agent we would also have to draw on the experiences of top producers with whom we had not yet worked personally. So we picked up the phone and started calling. We worked our way through the top fifty real estate agents in the country as ranked by REAL Trends and set up as many interviews as we possibly could. We listened. We listened hard. We took notes and bounced our ideas off the very best in our industry. Without a doubt, these high achievers are masters of their game.

 What became very clear very quickly is that they are experts on their markets and often have developed successful systems that perfectly complement their markets and their own mix of personal strengths and weaknesses. They had a lot to share. They were also very curious about what we’d find. While many would freely admit to having mastered “their game”—their personal approach to real estate—few would lay claim to having mastered the “Game” in the broader sense. We took all that we learned, passed it through the filter of our own experience, and combined it into simple, effective models anyone can follow to take their real estate sales practice to the highest possible level. As a result, this book is not about “our game” or even a collection of theirs. It is about the “Game.” We feel personal mastery is best pursued through a thoughtful analysis of the “Game” and then relating that new understanding to personal circumstances (your market, your strengths and your weaknesses). It is an ongoing process.

 This article may represent the first step for some, but for many it will be yet another checkpoint in their continual pursuit of personal mastery in the “Real Estate Sales Game.” Our hope is that you will take this book, reflect on it, apply the models from it, and then personalize it over time to master your game at the highest levels possible.